Free for ios download Caelum Audio Smoov 1.1.0
Free for ios download Caelum Audio Smoov 1.1.0

free for ios download Caelum Audio Smoov 1.1.0

I didn't realise that they're saved in our old format which could cause future compatibility issues. The new "Colour" control sounds great and it makes the old version sound seriously weak Its mostly there but there's a lot of visual stuff to tidy up. Sorry, I had hoped to get a beta for Schlap uploaded today but unfortunately I had underestimated the state of the codebase. I will update the thread with beta links as and when they become available but it would be great to get people involved with shaping these updates further. If there are any additional small feature requests please leave them here as well as I am starting the update process. (A bigger feature filled update is planned for further in the future.) Please let me know either here (thread or pm) or by email ( ) if you're up for testing the following updates which are in the process of being built: However, these features will be less exiting so I'm needing to drum up some interest in testing.

free for ios download Caelum Audio Smoov 1.1.0

Now that the dust is beginning to settle after our Flux Pro launch, we're now looking at programming some new features into our existing lineup of plugins before moving on to finishing the new stuff.

Free for ios download Caelum Audio Smoov 1.1.0