Remove symantec endpoint protection mac
Remove symantec endpoint protection mac

Changes in licensing costs have forced Imperial College to switch to another supplier for both of these services. Sophos combines the best of both into one package for a lower price.

remove symantec endpoint protection mac

We need to have Symantec Endpoint Protection removed from all DIDE computers by the end of October 2020. We need to have MalwareBytes removed from all DIDE computers (desktops and laptops) by the end of November 2020. Please read all of this before you begin, to avoid surprises.

remove symantec endpoint protection mac

These steps must be followed exactly and in sequence, and they apply to all operating systems. Install Sophos package which you downloaded in step 1 by double-clicking on the installer file.Important: Check that Symantec and MalwareBytes are really uninstalled from your PC (especially from your Mac).Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection.Uninstall MalwareBytes Anti-Malware (if installed).Uninstall MalwareBytes Anti-Exploit (if installed).Copy (but don't run!) the Sophos installer file to your computer (from the T:\IT\Antivirus folder on the DIDE network if installing on a departmental DIDE PC, or from this link if installing on a PC/laptop at home, which needs your login.).Only move on to the next step if the current one isn't applicable to you (e.g. If all has gone well, you now have no yellow Symantec shield and instead have a blue and white Sophos shield. We assume that you are running a Windows 10 computer.

remove symantec endpoint protection mac

Press your Windows key (usually bottom left, between CTRL and ALT) to open the Windows 10 menu and type "Add or remove programs".If you're running a Mac see the Mac-specific notes at the bottom of this page. This will prompt you to restart your computer.If you also have their Encryption software don't uninstall that! Scroll down further to Symantec and uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection.You will be prompted to restart your computer, but you don't need to until we've also uninstalled Symantec.Scroll down to MalwareBytes and uninstall any items you see there (you may see the main client plus another called Anti-Exploit uninstall both).

Remove symantec endpoint protection mac